
Hot mix asphalt

ROAD PLUS 300 COLD ASPHALT is the first ever indigenous cold asphalt produced from 100% locally available materials. The production process involves specially formulated concentrate which allows for a superior bonding strength that effectively blinds the aggregate tightly together to produce a strong, traffic-able, long lasting and skid resistance waterproof surface

It is unique, in that it satisfies the engineering properties of binder and wearing course Marshal mix design specification of the conventional hot mix asphalt. Road Plus Cold Asphalt is a high-performance cold patch pavement material that is easily applied anytime of the year under any weather condition.


It can be effectively used for pothole patching and asphalt works on:

  • Highways
  • Car parks
  • Estate Roads
  • Filling Stations etc.


 Unlike conventional one, it can be produced for the smallest size of potholes.

  • No wastage. Left overs can be returned into the pack and used within six months
  • No more cutting and leaving of potholes opened on the road for accident to occur.
  • Production of and laying of asphalt can be planned out on different days.
  • The antistripping properties allows it to be used for overlay at even lower thickness than the conventional hot mix asphalt.
  • Increases the bonding between aggregates and bitumen.
  • No specialized equipment in required in laying the cold asphalt
  • The concentrate can also be used to produce recycled cold asphalt from scarified pavement materials.


Road Plus Cold Asphalt is available in stockpile and in 25kg buckets or bags ready for application on a prepared surface.


Products can be stored for up to 24 months or more if stored in bags. It could also last for more than 6 months if stocked piled and covered with tarpaulin.