
Bitumen Emulsion RP 400

ROAD PLUS Bitumen Emulsion RP400 is produced by Road Plus Afrik Ltd in compliance with the paradigm shift globally from the use of cutback bitumen (MCI, S125 etc.) to bitumen emulsion. Kerosene, a volatile organic compound (VOC) is a popular solvent used in the preparation of cutback bitumen for road works.

Research has it that bitumen kerosene (cutback) mixture is more harmful than carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide (CO2) is one of the greenhouse gases that causes global warming. Cutback bitumen is therefore being abolished because of emission of greenhouse gases. Many countries of the world through Kyoto Agreement have agreed to substitute the use of such product with more environmentally friendly ones – bitumen emulsion.

Road Plus bitumen emulsion is produced to meet ASTM, AASHTO, AEMA and other international standards. Road Plus laboratory is also equipped with modern bitumen emulsion testing equipment to confirm the quality of emulsion procured from other sources.

Unlike our competitors, ROAD PLUS bitumen emulsion RP400 SERIES is labelled, according to type (SS, MS, RS etc.) and usage (Prime Coat, Tack Coat, Surface Dressing etc.), and are available in 20,50,100-, and 200-liter containers. Technical specification and expiry date are also clearly inscribed on the containers.


  • Tack Coat
  • Priming
  • Surface Dressing
  • Slurry Seal
  • Cold Recycling
  • Cold Asphalt
  • Stabilization of granular base etc.


  • Reduces the amount of carbon dioxide produced by 2/3
  • Reduction in the atmospheric pollution
  • No heating
  • Savings in the use of Kerosene
  • Cures faster than cutback bitumen
  • Low fire hazard
  • Lower handling temperature
  • Greater coating with damp aggregate

TEchnical SPecification

  • Color: Brownish Black
  • Consistency: Smooth, Uniform and thyrotrophic
  • Solid Content: 65 ± 5%
  • Flash Point: Non-Inflammable
  • pH: Approx. 7
  • Specific Gravity: 1.15 ± 0.5
  • Chemical Resistance: Good
  • Insulation Properties: Good


Road Plus Bitumen emulsion is available in drums of 20-, 50-, 100- & 200-litres’ containers.


24 months from date of manufacture in packed containers